There are multiple ways to help out at Potters Hands Ministries:

1. PRAY! We know this may sound cliche but we seriously covet your prayers and need more of the Lords leading, guiding and strength everyday to extend his Grace and Love to the downtown core of Red Deer. It’s HIS power that changes lives and sets the captives and addicted free. So please pray that our leadership has a closer walk with Him and that we may extend His hands and feet to the lost and hurting. He built this ministry and has kept it going so we ask first for more of Him.

2. Volunteer: Our volunteers are amazing!!! contact Helmut & Barbara Geisbrecht 403-309-4246 at the kitchen or by using the contact us page of our site to learn of various ways you can make the load lighter for the rest of us. There are a few positions needed during the Sunday church service as well. Speak with Chad or Robin in the sound booth for details.

3. Donating physical goods: some of the church community members help run the Renew Thrift Store and many of the people in our reach have material needs. If you have something to donate please use the contact us form to let us know what you have. If we think we can use what you don’t need someone will get in touch with you.

4. Donating $: Click Here for our Giving options

We don’t take up regular offerings at Potter’s Hands Ministries but rather rely on the Lord to lead those who are able to give out of  a cheerful heart. We rely on the Lord to lead our partners to give donations to purchase the food materials for all the meals.

We require two things if you feel led to help us this way.
1. Be led of the Lord
2. Give cheerfully!

Know that we are praying for and Giving God much thanks because of you!